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Alumni Details of Materials Science

Research Activities

1.  Nanomaterials

Size and morphology dependent optical properties of nanomaterials, colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals and core-shell structure.  Energy transfer in quantum dot. size induced structural phase transition. Electrical properties of nanostructred conjugated polymers and polymer electrolyte nanocomposite.

2.  Magnetic Materials

Ferromagnetic shape memory alloys, Magnetic and Magnetotransport properties of perovskites, Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors, Size and Anisotropy effects in Magnetism, Spin Dimer Compounds, Multiferroics, Spintronics. 

3.  Surface Physics and Quantum Structures

Geometrical and electronic structures of clean surfaces of single crystal of  semiconductors and metals. Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) growth of quantum structures by Molecular Beams Epitaxy (MBE) on single crystal surfaces and their in situ characterizations by Reflection High Energy Electron Diffraction (RHEED), Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) and Photoemission Electron Microscopy (PEEM). Electronic and magnetic properties of quantum structures, Ion beam modification of microstructure and properties. 

4.  Computational Materials Science

Density functional electronic structure and molecular dynamic of bulk and nanometerials; Surfaces, Interfaces and Artificially structured materials; Simulation and Design of half-metallic systems and spintronic materials, Nano-magnetism and spin-transport, Functionalized nanotubes and graphene-like planar nanostructures for Hydrogen storage.

5.  Non-linear Optical Materials

Synthesis, single crystal growth and characterization of nonlinear optical materials.

6.  Microporous and Mesoporous Materials

Synthesis of microporous and mesoporous materials related to catalytic, ion-exchange, optical and gas storage applications.

7.  Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics

Intense laser field molecular processes, Optical coherent control, Control and manipulation of atomic and molecular processes, Ultracold atoms.

Faculty Members and their Research Interest

Name Research Interest
Amitava Patra Study of nano-scale matter-radiation interactions in photonics and bio photonics
Asim Bhaumik Synthesis and structural evaluation of novel inorganic porus materials having ion exchange and catalytic properties of industrial importance
Bhupendra Nath Dev Surface and nanoscale science, Ion-solid interactions, X-ray physics
Bimalendu Deb Study of Ultracold atomic collision, Superfluidity in trapped Fermi gases of atoms, Quantum gases in lower dimensions, Quantum statistical properties of trapped atomic gases at low temperature, Quantum optics of Bose-Einstein condensates
Gour Prasad Das Computational Materials Science; Density Functional calculations, Electronic and Magnetic properties of Alloys, Clusters, Interfaces and  Multilayers and other Novel Materials
Narayan Pradhan Colloidal Chemistry
Shyamal Kumar Saha Nanoparticles, Nanowires and Nanotubes of metals and semiconductors (both organic and inorganic)
Subodh Kumar De Low temperature Physics, Magnetism, Magnetotransport, Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys, Nanomaterials, High dielectric materials, Polymer electrolytes
Sugata Ray Magnetism, magnetoresistance of bulk materials, Dilute magnetism, Strongly correlated systems, metal-insulator transition, Ferroelectricity and multiferoic materials, Ferroelectricity in nanosystems
Tanusree Kar Crystal growth, nonlinear materials, X-ray Lang topography, Crystallography

Copyrightt: IACS; Author: Webmaster



 Last modified November 08, 2013

Today: Wed, Feb 05, 2014, 12:28 PM.